Your MojeID account with name, last name and residence address in the Czech Republic. If you do not have an account, you can create it here.
MojeID Klíč, hardware key or system key and Chrome browser (more information in Two-factor authentication / keys )
Verify your identity (at the Czech POINT office, via non-entrepreneur natural person's data box, via eObčanka or other authentication method). Identity verification has to be done even with already validated accounts.
Detailed manual with step-by-step instructions (only in Czech)
During the identity verification process (on the basis of Act no. 250/2017 §16 1c Sb.) we check that any person in the Czech Republic can be clearly identified using the following data: first name, last name, date of birth and residence address in the Czech Republic. Identity verification must take place using one of the given methods through a national point. No exceptions can be made in the process of person verification and identification.
Access to public administration services using MojeID is available only to the citizens of the Czech republic (non-entrepreneurs with permanent residence address) and for foreigners, who have a temporary residence or permanent residence address in the Register of Inhabitants.
If you have temporary residence with a certificate (document) of the temporary residence, your personal data should be kept in the Registry of Inhabitants. If the Czech POINT staff has problems with the identification of your person when submitting the request, it is necessary to inform the staff that they have to identify you using different personal data. The employee selects this option in the form and then manually enters your data (first name, last name, date of birth) from the document you submitted. First and last name must be entered exactly as they are on the document, including diacritics.
Information for foreigners without permanent or temporary residence are available here.
There are three levels of assurance of means to access public services: low, substantial, high. In simple terms, they indicate how much confidence the service provider can have in the way the identity is proven. MojeID offers levels of "substantial" and "high".
Allows access to the vast majority of electronic public administration services, including the Citizen Portal, health insurance company portals, data boxes, cadastre of real estate, the ČSSZ ePortal and others.
Allows access to all services as a "substantial" level and can also be used for the first online purchase of government bonds (setting up a property account). It also allows you to apply online for a PostSignum e-signature certificate.
You will receive the corresponding level according to the type of security key and identity verification you have set up. More information about the levels can be found here.
You will be redirected to identity verification immediately after setting up two-factor authentication, or you will see the banner for identity verification in your MojeID account immediately after logging in.
You have several options of identity verification to choose from:
1. Authentication via Czech POINT
- Download a PDF document (Request for provision of reference data from the population register to another person) and visit a Czech POINT office.
- Hand in this application (printed or ready to view on a mobile device) together with your identity document at the Czech POINT.
- When the Czech POINT employee processes the request, they will hand you a document called Result of the request for data provision.
- Wait for the e-mail about the identity verification processing and then complete the access to public administration services in your MojeID account (button "Complete verification").
2. Authentication via data box (non-business natural persons with a permanent address of the authorised person in the territory of the Czech Republic)
- After selecting this option, you will be redirected to log in to your data box, where a draft will be ready to be sent (Validation for MojeID).
- Submit the draft, you will be redirected to log back into your MojeID account.
- Wait for the e-mail that your identity verification was processed and then complete the access to public administration services in your MojeID account (the "Complete Verification" button).
3. Verification by another means
- After clicking on "Verify differently" you will be redirected to the Identita občana, here you can select the means by which you can verify your identity for MojeID. Unfortunately, it is not possible to authenticate one MojeID account with another MojeID account.
- You can also request identity verification by data boxes of organisation or individual entrepreneur. Unfortunately, in this case the verification will not take place and you will receive an information message in your mailbox. Please do not respond to this information message, forward it, etc. Below is the procedure for verifying your identity without visiting a Czech POINT office.
- Verification and pairing of the MojeID account with public administration services by means of a data box to an organisation or an individual entrepreneur can be done remotely by setting up a NIA ID. You can register your NIA ID via this form and then verify it by logging into your data box as an authorised person. The activated NIA ID can then be linked to MojeID (when selecting identity verification, first select Use existing authentication means, then NIA ID, log in to NIA ID as you are used to and confirm in your MojeID account).
Once you have requested identity verification via Czech POINT office (using the form Data provision from the Register of inhabitants to another person) please wait for the confirmation e-mail. The request is usually processed within 10 minutes.
Then please sign in to your MojeID account and confirm the identity verification.
You will see a yellow banner with a Complete button, use this button to finish the identity verification process.
At the Czech POINT office you have received the Result of the data provision request, check the following:
- Message for the recipient: the Request Identifier - it must match the identifier indicated on the Reference Data Request you submitted at the Czech POINT (it is possible to download it again directly in your MojeID account).
- List of provided data: Last name, First name(s), Address of residence, Date of birth.
If this information does not match, it is necessary to verify your identity again at the Czech POINT.
There are several ways to cancel access of you account to the public administration services. If you want to pair your account again in the future, you will have to go through the whole process again (including a potential Czech POINT visit, if you do not have some other authentication method).
- In your MojeID account in Settings.
- Calling our helpdesk at +420 222 745 111.
- Removing two-factor authentication (security keys) in MojeID (Manage Two-factor authentication).
- Removing two-factor authentication during login.
- Request to remove two-factor authentication.
- Request to reset a MojeID password.
If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at podpora@mojeid.cz or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).