When you try to log in to your account using your e-mail address and you get the message "Username / E-mail is invalid. You might have used an e-mail, that is linked to several MojeID accounts. In this case, use your username.", you may have used an e-mail that is linked to multiple MojeID accounts. In this case, you cannot log in to the account by email and must use a username.
We launched registration using an e-mail address without having to enter a username on 16.8.2023. From this date it's only possible to register one MojeID account per e-mail address and therefore use e-mail to log into the account. The username, which can also be used to log in, is generated automatically from the first and last name entered. Before launching the e-mail login, it was possible to register multiple MojeID accounts to a single e-mail address and log in to the accounts using only the chosen username.
If you are unsure of the number of MojeID accounts you have, you can use the "Forgot your password?" option on the login page, which will take you to password reset . Here you will enter your e-mail and receive a message with instructions for changing the password for each username. This will show you all the accounts registered to the e-mail you entered. You do not need to change your password and you can then ignore the password change e-mails.
To enable the e-mail login option, you can set different e-mail addresses for your MojeID accounts, or permanently cancel unnecessary accounts in the Settings of the relevant MojeID account.
If you want to keep your accounts and you change the e-mail addresses to a unique ones, you will be able to log in to all such accounts using e-mail. We will enable this option for you within 24 hours after you set unique e-mails in your MojeID accounts.
You can remove the two-factor login by using codes from e-mail and SMS and by entering your account password. Removal instructions can be found directly on the login screen, under "Problems with login? Remove two-factor authentication".
If you no longer have access to the e-mail and phone number in your account, you do not remember your password or your password has expired (you have not logged in for a long time), please send us the Request to remove two-factor authentication. There are two ways to do that:
Via data box ‒ it is important that the contact data matches the message sender‘s personal details as per the data box system. At the same time, the sender must be an authorised person as defined in the eGovernment act (not a trustee or administrator). That is why the sender needs to enable sending his identity as a part of the message. This is not necessary if the message is sent with an electronic signature ‒ then it can be sent from any data box by any person. The electronic signature is preferred.
Certified signature ‒ certify your signature on the request at an authority, post office or notary and send the original document via regular mail to our association‘s address (Zákaznická podpora, CZ.NIC, Milešovská 5, 130 00, Praha 3). The documents received in the unblocking process will be archived.
Password recovery in MojeID can be sent to a different email than the one in your account.
Caution! If your account has access to the public administration services, resetting your password will also remove this access. To gain access again, you will have to go through the pairing process again, including possible visit at the Czech POINT office.
Please fill in the Password Recovery Request. This can be delivered to us in three different ways:
- Personal visit - come to the CZ.NIC (Milešovská 5, Prague, office hours 8:00 - 16:00) with a valid ID card (or passport, if you are not a Czech citizen) and a printed application. The identity document must include your first name, last name, date of birth, residence address, photo and period of validity. A partial copy of the document will be archived.
- Through the data box - it is important that the contact information matches the data mail sender's data by the data boxes' system and at the same the sender is the person authorized by the law on electronic actions and authorized data conversion (not a person authorized or an administrator). It is therefore necessary for the sender to ask for the inclusion of his identification in the sent data message. This is not necessary if an application is electronically signed - then it can be sent from any data box by any person. An electronic signature will be preferred.
- A certified signature - verify your signature on the request at the post office or notary and send the original to our organization's address (Customer Support, CZ.NIC, Milešovská 5, 130 00, Prague). Documents received within this process will be archived.
After you reset the password please update contact information in your account, so you receive all relevant information regarding changes in MojeID.
To ensure better security, MojeID automatically disables password logins for accounts that have not been used for more than 18 months. In this situation, you must reset your password via the "Forgot your password?" link.
If the user has a two-factor authentication login set up, the password recovery must also be confirmed with the second factor.
This e-mail will be sent to you if the wrong password is entered 6 times in a row when logging in. Subsequently, your MojeID account has been blocked and it is no longer possible to log in. This way your account is protected for example against manual password guessing.
To unblock, follow the link available in the body of the e-mail.
If you did not try to log in, please contact our security team at csirt@nic.cz.
If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at podpora@mojeid.cz or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).