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Domain Browser and domains

If you want to register a new domain, which can be done through any registrar, the contact person you enter (the identifier) can be the identifier of your MojeID account. Username can be found in your account in My details section (tab with your name in the top bar).

If you already have a domain and you want to link it with your created MojeID account, you need to contact the domain registrar and change the domain holder. The registrar should inform you what is needed to perform such a change.

The option to hide address after entering PIN3 was cancelled in June 2022. You can hide an address with an account of natural person that was validated in the past or is connected to public administration services. It is no longer possible to validate account of natural person.

To hide an address, if your account is validated or is connected to public administration services, log in to Domain browser. Go to My contact, uncheck the box Public and save. Address in the registry will be hidden. Only natural person (individual) can hide their address. Business person or company cannot hide their address.

Only users that are validated or connected to the public administration services can hide their address. When you lose validation, the address will be visible again. Validation will be lost when you change your first name, last name, date of birth or permanent address.

More information can be found in the validation help.

Fill in your contact identifier on the registration page and click Create an account. If you do not know the contact identifier, enter the domain that is linked to the contact in the WHOIS service. Click on the contact, select the Create MojeID link and click Create MojeID from the domain registry. You will be redirected to the Create account from domain registry form, the contact identified will be prefilled.

Before you create a MojeID account this way, check your contact data (first name, last name, address and phone, which has to be in the format +420.111111111 or +421.111111111) so all necessary codes can be delivered to you.

Contact identifier (name of the MojeID account) cannot be changed. If the identifier is too complicated and is not in the desired form, create a new account (identifier will be automatically generated from your first and last name). Then ask your registrar to change the holder (or administrative contact) of your domain to the new contact.

Yes, it's simple.

Inside WHOIS, you can display your contact and move your mouse over the "Create MojeID account" button. Then click on the link "Create MojeID account with data change". You will be redirected to "Request for transferring the contact to the register of identities of MojeID service and make changes to this contact." Here you can update almost all data linked with your contact except for the contact identifier (username) and the name and last name on gray background. Fill in your contact identifier on the and click Confirm. If you do not know the contact identifier, enter the domain that is linked to the contact in the service. Click on the contact, select the Create MojeID link and click Create MojeID and change the personal data. Here you can update almost all personal data, except for the contact identifer, first and last name (they will be displayed grey).

You cannot change the domain holder using this request. It is only possible to add the name of the organisation, provided that the individual listed with the contact is the managing director of the company or provides a certified power of attorney from the managing director of the company; for contacts registered to a company, it is possible to change the name of the managing director or the name of the company if it has been changed. The application for transfer under MojeID with a change of data where the company is listed must always be accompanied by an extract from the Commercial Register.

Request to transfer the contact with change of data can be delivered in three ways:

  1. Personal visit - come to the CZ.NIC (Milešovská 5, Prague, office hours 8:00 - 16:00) with a valid ID card (or passport, if you are not a Czech citizen) and a printed request. The identity document must include your first name, last name, date of birth, residence, photo and period of validity. A partial copy of the document will be archived.
  2. Through the data box - it is important that the contact information matches the sender's data in the data box system and at the same the sender is an authorized person (it is necessary for the sender to ask for the inclusion of his identification in the message). This is not necessary if an application is electronically signed - then it can be sent from any data box by any person. Data box identifier is h4axdn8.
  3. A certified signature - verify your signature on the request at the post office or notary and send the original to our organization's address (Customer Support, CZ.NIC, Milešovská 5, 130 00, Prague). Documents received within this process will be archived.

Na registrační stránce vyplňte identifikátor kontaktu, který si přejete do MojeID převést a klikněte na "Potvrdit". V případě, že identifikátor kontaktu neznáte, pak si díky službě WHOIS můžete nechat zobrazit údaje z registru - do vyhledávacího pole vložte jméno domény, u které je kontakt evidován. Jakmile si kontakt rozkliknete, tak po najetí na tlačítko "Založit MojeID" klikněte na odkaz "Založit MojeID se změnou údajů". Během chvíle budete přesměrováni na formulář "Převod kontaktu z doménového registru do MojeID se změnou údajů". Zde můžete aktualizovat téměř veškeré údaje vedené u Vašeho kontaktu, kromě identifikátoru kontaktu (uživatelské jméno) a jména a příjmení, které se Vám zobrazí na šedém pozadí.

Touto žádostí tak nelze změnit držitele domény. Lze pouze doplnit název organizace s tím, že fyzická osoba uvedená u kontaktu je jednatelem této společnosti nebo doloží úředně ověřenou plnou moc od jednatele společnosti, u kontaktů registrovaných na společnost lze zase změnit jméno jednatele nebo název společnosti, pokud došlo k jeho změně. K žádosti o převod pod MojeID se změnou údajů, kde figuruje společnost je vždy třeba doložit výpis z OR.

Žádost o převod kontaktu z doménového registru do MojeID se změnou údajů může být ověřena následujícími způsoby:

  1. Osobní návštěva – S platným dokladem totožnosti (občanský průkaz nebo u cizích státních příslušníků pas) a vytištěnou žádostí o Převod kontaktu z doménového registru do MojeID se změnou údajů přijdete osobně na adresu našeho sdružení (Milešovská 5, Praha 3). Doklad totožnosti musí obsahovat jméno, příjmení, datum narození, adresu bydliště, fotografii a dobu platnosti. Částečnou kopii dokladu si sdružení CZ.NIC archivuje.
  2. Prostřednictvím datové schránky – U žádosti zaslané datovou schránkou je důležité, aby osoba odesílatele byla osobou oprávněnou ve smyslu zákona o elektronických úkonech a autorizované konverzi dat (nikoliv tedy osoba pověřená či administrátor). Proto je třeba, aby odesílatel požádal (povolil) zahrnutí své identifikace do odesílané datové zprávy. Dále je třeba, aby nám byl spolu s žádostí zaslán i výpis z registru obyvatel, o který si přes datovou schránku můžete požádat. Identifikátor naší datové schránky je h4axdn8.
  3. Úředně ověřený podpis – Na úřadě, na pracovišti Czech POINT, na poště nebo u notáře ověřte svůj podpis na žádosti o Převod kontaktu z doménového registru do mojeID se změnou údajů a originál zašlete na adresu našeho sdružení (Zákaznická podpora, CZ.NIC, Milešovská 5, 130 00, Praha 3). Dokumenty obdržené v procesu o převodu kontaktu z doménového registru do MojeID se změnou údajů budou archivovány.

Domain browser is an application that is used to display information from the domain registry and is directly connected with the MojeID account.

If your MojeID account is set to the role role of an domain holder or an administrative contact, you can check the domain status in the domain browser, check the date until which the domain fees are paid (and by which Registrar you may extend its validity), whether it is protected by DNSSEC and in which role is your MojeID account - whether as a contact holder or an administrative contact. It is also possible to list all domains where the MojeID account appears, everything independently regarding the fact by which registrar the domain is located. You can also view a graph with the daily number of domain queries at the authoritative DNS server.

If the account is in the role of a technical contact for a set of name servers or key sets, it is possible to display them. You can list the set of name servers, key sets and domains by which these sets are kept.

This helps you keep your data in one place. 

Domain auctions take place in the domain browser. Log in to the domain browser and select "Domain Auctions" in the sidebar. Here you will see a list and detail of all ongoing, completed and future auctions.

To participate in domain auctions, you must verify your identity and set two-factor authentication. Legal entities and natural entrepreneurs use validation and natural non-entrepreneurs must connect their MojeID account to public administration services.

All information can be found at

If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).