MojeID is free for all end users. Providers who want to implement MojeID on their website or e-shop can find the pricelist here .
In the "Settings" there is a section "Delete MojeID account".
The option to permanently cancel your account can be found after logging into your account in the "Settings" tab. After clicking "Delete account" and then "Delete MojeID account" you have to log in again to confirm cancelling your account.
If there is a domain linked to this account, only the MojeID account will be deactivated and you will lose the possibility to login into MojeID services. Your basic contact details (name, date of birth, organization, ID and VAT number, e-mail contacts, phone number and address of permanent residence) will remain in the domain registry where you can continue to use them. Other additional data will be removed from your profile. It is then possible to change the designated registrar in your contact.
Yes, if you don't use your account, it can be spontaneously deleted.
- Your account can be deleted after one year of inactivity, but just in case that this account is not used as a domain contact. An active account is every acount, which is used to log in to the provider's website or logged into at least once every six months via
Only organizations or tradesmen in the Czech Republic listed in ARES can be validated.
Validation is only for legal entities and natural entrepreneurs. Non-entrepreneurs can link the account to public administration services and thus get the same benefits as validated accounts and in addition can hide the address in the domain registry.
Validation can be done after registration of the account. After setting a password, you will be automatically redirected to a screen where you can secure the account with a second factor or go straight to validation.
If you have already registered your account and need to validate it, you can do so via the link in your personal details (your name tab in the top bar).
Validation can be done:
1. Directly using your data box
Direct immediate validation must be done via the organisation's or individual's data box. Validation takes place immediately. It is possible to validate the account of an organisation with one statutory representative in this way.
2. Using a PDF application sent via data mailbox
Send the PDF of the application to our h4axdn8 mailbox. It is necessary that the Sender Identification box in the organization's data box is checked when creating the message (requests are processed every working day between 8:00 - 16:00).
If the organisation has more than one member of the statutory body acting together, each member of the statutory body acting on behalf of the organisation must send the request, always with Sender Identification enabled.
3. Using a certified signature
Download the PDF document and add a certified signature (members of the statutory body with the right to act for the organisation as listed on You then deliver the original application to our address by post or by authorised conversion (applications are processed every working day between 8:00 - 16:00).
Organisations or natural persons whose registered office (permanent or temporary residence) is outside the Czech Republic can only use verification by means of an officially certified signature.
Unfortunately, we cannot accept electronic signatures for validation as they do not contain all the necessary data.
In the old MojeID design it was possible to set up a personal identity card, in the new design this option is no longer available. If you have it active, you can currently edit or deactivate it via the original link: .
If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).