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Look for the MojeID or OpenID login link on the service provider's website. Login is usually marked with one of these icons:

You can find detailed instructions on how to log in using MojeID here .

MojeID service is built on the OpenID technology. It has been developed by CZ.NIC to help users interact primarily with Czech Internet services. Using your MojeID account, you can log into services which support OpenID. When logging in using OpenID use your account name in the following format: More information about CZ.NIC and it's services can be found here.

Fill in the required items on this page and then click the Create account button. The cell phone number must have the format +420.111111111 or +421.111111111. A land line phone number unfortunately cannot be used for sending PIN2.

Please check the contact details you provided carefully, because PIN codes you receive will be used identify your account. PIN1 will be sent to your e-mail address entered during registration and PIN2 will be sent via text message to your cell phone (the delivery can sometimes take while, but in most cases it's instantaneous).

To activate your account, enter PIN1 and PIN2 into the appropriate fields and fill in the login method (password, one-time password - OTP, certificate). The password must be at least 8 characters long. We currently accept only commercial certificates and the following certificate authorities:

  • Czech Post, s. p.
  • First Certification Authority, a. s.
  • eIdentity, a. s.

The account name cannot be changed. However, it is possible to create a new MojeID account with a new name. You can create it here. If you want to use the same phone number and/or e-mail address that you entered in the account with a wrong name, you need to wait a month from the time you entered the PIN1 and PIN2 which you activated the wrong account name with. If you have not activated the account yet, then you can just create a new one.

Fill in your contact identifier on the registration page. In case you do not know it, check the information from the registry or enter the domain name to search in the registry at this address (in the form Once you fill in the contact identifier click Create account.

The contact identifier (name of your MojeID account) cannot be changed. If you can't remember it or it is not in a satisfactory form, register a new account. Then ask your domain registrar to change the contact (this will require a change of the holder or the administrative contact). Before you insert the identifier verify your ID details (name, last name, mobile phone in the form +420.111111111 or +421.111111111, e-mail, postal address and date of birth), so all PIN codes could be delivered to you for the complete identification of your account.

Please check you are not using accented letters, commas, periods, colons, or underscore gaps - allowed characters are the letters A - Z, digits 0-9 and the hyphen (-).

Yes, it's simple. Inside WHOIS, you can display your contact and move your mouse over the "Create MojeID account" button. Then click on the link "Create MojeID account with data change". You will be redirected to "Request for transferring the contact to the register of identities of MojeID service and make changes to this contact." Here you can update almost all data linked with your contact except for the contact identifier (username) and the name and last name on gray background.

That is not possible as MojeID is intended to check the user's identity. However, you can use the cell phone of someone from your family or a friend to get PIN2. However, if you ask for validation, all data have to be identical with the data on your ID card.

We protect our systems against data duplicity, it is nevertheless possible to register multiple accounts with the following restrictions:

  1. If you have not entered PIN1 and PIN2, there is no problem. In the case that you entered incorrect data, you can register a new account.

  2. If you have already entered PIN1 and PIN2, it depends on which e-mail and telephone number you have linked with your account. If you use a different e-mail and telephone number, you can register a new account.

  3. If you have already entered PIN1 and PIN2 and you want to register another account with the same data, it is necessary to wait a month since entering PIN1 and PIN2. This restriction only applies to e-mail and telephone number, other data is not checked.

If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).