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Log into your MojeID account, go to the Settings tab. In the Password change section enter your current and new password. Click Save and confirm the password change by logging in again (with your new password) or with a second factor if you have it set up.

  • Click the Log in button on the main page and then click Forgot your Password?
  • Enter your e-mail, control code and click Confirm.
  • You will receive an e-mail with a link. Clicking the link ‒ enter the new password on this page.
  • An SMS with a code will be sent to you. Enter the code.
    • This SMS is sent only after you open the link in the e-mail.
    • SMS code is valid for three days.

Warning: If you have two-factor authentication login set up, you must always confirm the password change with the second factor.

Warning: The password can be reset a maximum of 5 times a day.

Passwords to MojeID accounts are encrypted using the hash function PBKDF2 + HMAC + SHA256 and 15,000 iterations. We increase the level of security on the basis of detected vulnerability information.

Please check, if you entered the password correctly, if Caps Lock isn't accidentally on and if the password belongs to the right account. Users with multiple accounts sometimes mix their passwords. Also please check that you haven't not set another way of login (security keys or MojeID Klíč app).

Due to security, MojeID system deactivates the password in accounts that have not been used in the last 18 months. Please use the link "Forgotten password" to restore it.

If the user has two-factor authentication login set up, the second factor must be used to confirm the password reset.

This e-mail will be sent to you if the wrong password is entered 6 times in a row when logging in. Subsequently, your MojeID account has been blocked and it is no longer possible to log in. This way your account is protected for example against manual password guessing.

To unblock, follow the link available in the body of the e-mail.

If you did not try to log in, please contact our security team at .

If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).