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Changing your details

Log into your MojeID account and click the Settings tab on the home page of your account. Then select Change Password and enter your current and new password. Confirm with the Change button.

If you have two-factor authentication login set up, you must always confirm the password change with the second factor.

  • If you have already entered a wrong phone number or e-mail, the easiest option is to create a new account where you fill in the correct data.
  • To keep your username, you can change your phone number or e-mail before entering PIN1 and PIN2 through another designated registrar from the list on To change the registrar you must first have the authorization password sent from the Passwords and locks (to your e-mail in the registry if the e-mail address is correct; otherwise it can be done only through a certified signature or electronic signature). You pass the password to the designated registrar, you make a change and then you return through Creating an account from the domain registry to MojeID service.
  • Data can be easily changed after activating your account, that means after entering PIN1 and PIN2.
  • You have to confirm the change of your e-mail address, phone number and mailing address, through a PIN code that you receive to your new e-mail address, to your new phone number or new mailing address.
  • Change of the address of permanent residence does not need to be confirmed; however, validated accounts will lose the validation flag.

You can change the data after setting PIN1 and PIN2, or after setting PIN3 or after validation. You will confirm the change of telephone number by a PIN you will get to the new number. For more information see How can I change my account details?

If you have any questions or comments concerning MojeID, contact us at or call the technical support of the CZ.NIC Association, the administrator of the domain register, at +420 731 657 660 or +420 222 745 111 (24/7).