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Benefits of access to public administration services

After you get access to public administration services via MojeID (or in other words, pair with NIA or create Identita obcana), you can enjoy many benefits. Below you can see some of the most popular ones. A list of all the MojeID partners can be found in our catalog .

Ilustrace - Portál občana

Citizen Portal

The Citizen Portal allows access to free online services, such as displaying the current state of driver's points and its history, criminal record, etc.

Ilustrace - ČSSZ

Pension Information

ePortál ČSSZ offers a quick informative calculation of retirement pension, the date to get eligible for it, an overview of the retirement pension personal list, a possibility to change your permanent address online, and many other practical services.

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Tax declarations online

At, you can submit declarations of income tax for natural persons, property tax, and many other tax-related obligations. From the comfort of your home, without any papers, and with help guide.

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Health Insurance Companies' Sites

In the Moje VZP , E-komunikace ZP MV ČRPortál ČPZP , and Vitakarta OZP , you can display declared health care including insurance costs or arrears. It is also possible to request prevention fund contributions (vaccination, sport activities, blood donation...).

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Cadastre of Real Estate

When you log in with Identita obcana, you will have complete data from the cadastral register  at your disposal and you will not have to enter captcha codes. You will also see the section My Cadastre where you can see the state of your proceedings and display your ownership documents.

Ilustrace - erecept

Digital Receipts Clearly

The eRecept app run by the State Institute for Drug Control allows to see both issued and not issued receipts, even several years back. Drug names, receipts' expiration dates, doctors' names — all at one place. You can even get access to your children's receipts.

Ilustrace - datova schranka

Easy Login to Data Box

If you own a data box , you will be able to log in to it more simply—same as to your mojeID account. If you do not own one but you would like to, there is one more benefit for you. You can easily set it up. It will give you many other possibilities.

Ilustrace - covid

EZKarta App

You can use electronic identity to log in to the EZKarta mobile app, which serves as a citizen's vaccination card. Here you can easily and clearly find an overview of all your vaccinations administered since 1 January 2023, including the vaccination against COVID-19.

Ilustrace - dron

Dron Registration

Do you own a dron with a camera? Then you probably know that you need to register it at the Civil Aviation Authority. And that cannot be done without electronic authentication. With MojeID, you can easily log in to  and register your dron.

Ilustrace - portal prazana

Portál Pražana (Praguer's Portal)

In Prague, MojeID will come even more handy. Login to Praguer's Portal is possible only via Identita obcana or a data box. The website allows you to request a parking permit for residents or pay municipal waste fees. Again, no need to visit any office.

Do you not have your access to public administration services yet?