3.2. MojeID Identity

When creating an identity, users have to choose a name of their identity which uniquely determines each MojeID identity and which is always in the form of identityname.mojeid.cz (alphanumeric characters), e.g. demo.mojeid.cz.

The users then use this name to log into pages of service providers.

MojeID Identity consists of:

  • Information the user includes in their identity (common personal data, such as name, address, phone number, nickname, etc.)

  • Information about the user provided by the MojeID service provider, especially information about the physical identity verification (user’s personal data verification, or the information about whether the person is older than 18).


Specific lists of information that can be transferred from the MojeID identity using the individual protocols can be found in udaje-openid, Appendix 1 – List of Data to be Handed Over (OpenID Connect) and Appendix 3 – List of Data to be Handed Over (SAML).