7. MojeID Test Instance

It is possible to test your implementation using our MojeID test instance where you can test logging of MojeID users, registering of new accounts and transferring of accounts from the central register.

Before you start testing, send the metadata you are going to use for testing to techsupport@mojeid.cz. This metadata differs for each protocol (see infomation about the individual protocols below).


Use different metadata than for the production instance!

We will grant you access to the test instance and set up a so-called full access, for the purpose of testing, so that you can receive all the MojeID account data, including status, valid and more that are transferred only to the providers with full access.

7.1. Test Accounts

To test MojeID, we recommend creating three test users with different levels of verification. Use the manual on the main page of MojeID public test instance to create the accounts. You can fill in any contact and personal information.

  • Partially identified account:
    • Account with verified e-mail and phone number.

  • Natural person’s account connected to public administration services:
    • To connect test account to public administration services you will need a certified hardware or system security key.

    • Create an account for personal use.

    • Click Verify identity, then Verify differently and select Test Profile High.

    • Choose any test profile and complete the verification.

  • Validated account of a business person / organization:
    • Create an account for business use.

    • Go to the tab with personal information and click Validate.

    • Download the generated PDF document and send it to techsupport@mojeid.cz.

    • We will set the validation flag for this account.

This allows you to test returned values in the status parameter for all current account verification types.

7.2. Mutual Endpoints

Part of the interface addresses does not depend on the selected protocol. Those addresses are listed here. However, you will also need addresses of endpoints specific for individual protocols that are listed below.

A test instance with more detailed outputs in case of errors is available at the following addresses:

  • Registering a new MojeID account: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/registration/endpoint/

  • Transferring a contact to MojeID from the domain registry: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/transfer/endpoint/

The following addresses will be available to implement MojeID to production environment:

  • Registering a new MojeID account: https://mojeid.cz/registration/endpoint/

  • Transferring a contact to MojeID from the domain registry: https://mojeid.cz/transfer/endpoint/

7.3. OpenID Connect

Metadata that need to be sent to support

  • Client_ID you will use for testing – a combination of 12 characters (lower- and uppercase letters and digits) generated automatically upon the registration of the service

Specific endpoints for the protocol

  • Addresses of the test endpoints:
    • Registration Endpoint: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/oidc/registration/

    • Authorization Endpoint: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/oidc/authorization/

    • Token Endpoint: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/oidc/token/

    • UserInfo Endpoint: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/oidc/userinfo/

    A full description of OIDC configuration in JSON: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/.well-known/openid-configuration/

  • Addresses of the production endpoints:
    • Registration Endpoint: https://mojeid.cz/oidc/registration/

    • Authorization Endpoint: https://mojeid.cz/oidc/authorization/

    • Token Endpoint: https://mojeid.cz/oidc/token/

    • UserInfo Endpoint: https://mojeid.cz/oidc/userinfo/

    A full description of OIDC configuration in JSON: https://mojeid.cz/.well-known/openid-configuration/

7.4. SAML

The metadata of the test instance are available at: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/saml/idp.xml

Metadata that need to be sent to support

  • string entityID you will use for testing – maximal length 1024 characters, specifications recommend the string to be in a form of URL and to include a domain name of the provider or the provided service

    Example: https://sluzba.example.cz

  • an XML file with the service metadata (EntityDescriptor), that contains the same entityID

    You can find more details on how to get the file with metadata in this article about metadata preparation.

Endpoints specific for the protocol

  • test endpoint: https://mojeid.regtest.nic.cz/saml/

  • production endpoint: https://mojeid.cz/saml/