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Price and specifications

Service providers can use the MojeID authentication tool to the full extent of its functions for a low annual fee. No additional costs, just a secure and high-quality user authentication tool.

Price and parameters of the MojeID service
Service fee*1,000 CZK/year
Activation feeCZK 0
Fee for one userCZK 0
Transaction feeCZK 0
User data providedall available
Selection of login methodyes, 3 levels
Technical support24/7, by phone/e-mail
Premium technical supportavailable
Entry in the MojeID catalogue of serviceslogo, service name, description, link

*The price is exclusive of VAT for the entire MojeID service for one year. The service can also be used for multiple projects under one ID number.

  1. U plného přístupu uživatel defaultně předává všechna data, pokud je sám neodznačí, na rozdíl od omezeného přístupu, kde jsou defaultně předávány pouze povinné položky z registrace do mojeID (jméno, příjmení, telefon, e-mail a korespondenční adresa).
  2. Poskytovatel má možnost zvolit si metodu přihlášení (heslo, certifikát, jednorázové heslo).
  3. Poskytovatel získává informaci o úrovni ověření účtu uživatele, zda je validován, o jeho zletilosti a platnosti ISIC karty.
  4. V přihlašovacím dialogu je zobrazena FAV ikona před názvem služby.
  5. V přihlašovacím dialogu je u plného přístupu zobrazen celý název služby. Omezený přístup zobrazuje pouze URL.

User data

By default, the user submits to the service provider all the data they have filled in their profile, unless they uncheck them by themselves. The data to be filled in by the user include:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • ID card number
  • Passport number
  • Data box number
  • Permanent address
  • Mailing address
  • Bank account number
  • Gender
  • Student status
  • ISIC card number
  • Profiles on social networks

Always verified data: Telephone number and e-mail address
Optional verifiable data: Name, surname, date of birth and permanent address by linking the account to the NIA. Mailing address by entering the code from the letter sent. Data box number by logging into the mailbox. Student status confirmation by ISIC card - mojeID provides verification of its authenticity and validity with ISIC.
The authenticity of other data is guaranteed by the user.

ilustration - security key

Available login methods

MojeID offers the widest range of login tools on the Czech market. The user always enters a login name and then uses the login according to the requirements of the service provider:

  • password
  • password + MojeID Klíč app or system/hardware security key
  • password + certified USB/NFC hardware security key

Optional premium technical support

If you prefer to outsource or need help with service integration or other technical interventions related to MojeID, you can contact our implementation partners , or even us directly.

ilustration - technical support

MojeID with restricted access

The service can also be operated completely free of charge with limited access to data and with limited functions. For more details, see the "Restricted Access" section on the Getting started page.